Thursday, 26 February 2009

Return of the King

So the impromptu 'Post-Tour' blog kinda broke down, been back nearly a week now and it's kinda faded out. I truly had grand ideas, featuring many forms of media etc... but alas the age old bastard of a speed-hump in my life struck again and sent me cascading into my own demise and halted any sort of pancake eating on tuesday or socialising properly, thats right the nemesis that is.... THE FUCKING FLU!

However, I decided i'd skip the stories for a diluted version, so here I have a few pictures to share, videos are on the way i'd imagine:

Tesco at 2am:

Properly had a fuckin' sick time being away, travelled to some cool cities and hung out with all the awesome dudes every night. Seriously go check out all the homies in My Actions Your Exit and To Catch a Theif, both rad bands and great dudes.

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